There’s Power in Your Story

Cohort Peer Conversation

Personal stories can be powerful tools for advocacy for parks and recreation. In this Peer Conversation, Recreation and Park Commission for the Parish of East Baton Rouge (BREC) Superintendent and City Parks Alliance Board Member Corey Wilson will lead a conversation around how park professionals can better leverage storytelling to advocate for parks and recreation and for local, state, or national policies that can result in more resources and greater access to quality parks for our citizens. 

Participants will also hear about how BREC defeated a state senate bill that would have broken up the parish-wide park system into multiple different park systems by rallying supporters to oppose the bill by sharing their personal stories and how the legislation would negatively impact them.

This Peer Conversation is open to all.


Katrina Coots Ward

Director of Partnerships and Development, Recreation and Park Commission for the Parish of Baton Rouge

Corey Wilson

Superintendent, Recreation and Park Commission for the Parish of East Baton Rouge (BREC)