Conference Tracks | Greater & Greener

2024 Conference Tracks

Addressing the Emerging Issues of Today’s Park and City-Building Professionals

Greater & Greener conference tracks have been carefully curated to foster an honest dialogue around social equity, cross-agency and cross-sector partnerships, funding models, and repeatable solutions for parks. Sessions are developed with input from all sectors of the park community: City Parks Alliance members, parks and recreation agency leaders, other government agencies, designers, researchers, advocates, and other leaders in the park and city-building fields.

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Parks and a Changing Climate

Cities and communities are using parks and recreation assets and the natural environment to respond to a changing climate that is impacting park users, infrastructure, and biodiversity. Parks and their stewards have critical new roles and responsibilities in climate-driven stressors and disasters.




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Equitable and Sustainable Park Funding

Sustainable and equitable sources of funding are critical for the development, maintenance, operations, and programming of our park systems. Parks leaders are finding innovative ways to overcome challenges and remove barriers to sustainable and equitable funding.



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Inclusive Parks and Public Spaces

Parks and public spaces are being used to make our cities more equitable places, including acknowledging inequality and accessing diverse histories and cultures. Community leaders and their partners are acknowledging inequalities and working with a wide range of stakeholders to ensure parks and public spaces are inclusive and welcoming for all. 

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Parks, Recreation, Health, and Wellbeing

Cities and communities are using parks and recreation spaces to promote physical and emotional health, support overall well-being and social cohesion, and provide opportunities for play to support childhood development. Parks can play a key role in supporting the physical, cognitive, and emotional development of children, their families, and our communities.