The Success and Evolution of Park Funding Partnerships

Panel Dialogue

This panel dialogue will showcase successful park funding partnerships between government agencies, non-profit organizations, and the private sector.

Speakers will examine the evolution of public-private partnerships over the past 25 years, including examples from their organizations, and share insights on structuring partnerships, strategies for starting and maintaining them over time, and how they can enable innovative funding and project delivery models.


  • Identify several strategies and considerations for private funding of park and trail facilities.
  • Recognize the value of engaging community stakeholders as advocates, volunteers, and funders.
  • Recognize successful strategies for communicating the benefits of private funding when seeking public funding- including local levies and state and federal grants.
  • Discuss different capital project delivery strategies for applying private funding for the development and maintenance of public parks and trail facilities.
  • Discuss the importance of successful park funding partnerships between government agencies, non-profits, and the private sector, including how they're formed and sustained and their role in innovative funding and project delivery.


Jesús Aguirre

Board Chair, National Recreation and Parks Association (NRPA)

Stephanie Kiouses

Park Director, Levy Park Conservancy

James Gagliardi

Director, Bellevue Botanical Garden, City of Bellevue, WA

Curt Warber

Eastrail Program Manager, King County